Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our babies so smart, he skipped six days.

Hello folks!
We went for our anatomy ultrasound today and it was wonderfully fun! We got our official confirmation that the little Z-man is, in fact, a male. :) (Though, really, there was no doubting him last time.) But, better yet, we also got to measure the little one.

He is 7 oz, putting him just a bit bigger than we were expecting. Way to grow Z-baby! The sonogram tech labeled him as "normal" in every category and I was ecstatic. Though next time, I think I would prefer "extraordinary" or "remarkable". I wonder if I can make that request...

Lets see if there are some stats on this report that you all would like to hear about. His arm bones are all wonderfully "normal" and around 2cm from shoulder to elbow and another 2cm from elbow to wrist. His head is notable. He has a head in the 97th percentile - its 15 cm around! I know that I have an enormous head, so its definitely my baby. He also has a large cerebrum - 1.9cm- what a genius baby we have. He will be making Baby Einstein videos as soon as he can learn to handle a camcorder. (Both of these things are large on the normal scale not large on the holy moley! scale.)

So, despite the fact that I have known since day one that I gain a week each Tuesday, they had tried to convince me I was undershooting my due date by six days. Amateurs! Well, they officially agree with me on this report. I hit 18 weeks this Tuesday and the due date printed here is March 28. For those that don't know, that's my grandma's birthday. What a miracle that would be!

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