Thursday, October 21, 2010

17 Weeks! Hootie Hooo!

Hola folks! I am still writing from DC to document my entry into the 17 week club. Woot woot!

As far as the nausea goes, it seems better but not great. I could stand a little "great" but am contently settling on "better".

What's new with the Z-man this week?
  • The little one has grown to the size an onion and is developing BODY FAT! (Just like me, if we're being honest.)
  • The babies cartilage is turning to rock hard Mammen bones. Sam has never had a broken bone and I am hoping the baby takes after him.
  • The Mammenito can suck! If I know anything about this baby, I bet its mastered thumb sucking and we're only two days into the week.
  • The baby is hungry.
What's up with me, you ask?
  • I'm hungry. What to Expect uses the phrase "appetite of a truck driver" which I don't think is quite applicable but I was the first person to finish my sandwich at lunch on Tuesday.
  • My bump is bigger but when I tell people I am pregnant they still seem skeptical... I can still wear most of my pants but am excited for the real thing to pop out anytime now.
  • On that topic, I have noticed that if I eat a deliciously filling meal, I feel like the real estate in my belly gets really cramped. There isn't enough room to digest my food, let the baby play, and breathe. Shallow breaths are fine but getting enough room for my lungs to really expand is tricky/impossible.
  • I'm eating lots of cheese. But that isn't strikingly different from any given Thursday.
  • I'm starting to realize that this baby might need something more than six cloth diapers and a designer diaper bag to put them in ...
  • I only get up once a night to pee. :) This is a nice relief and allows for so much more REM sleep.
  • I still can't feel the little man but I certainly lay in bed at night trying!
Alright, if you didn't get the hint by now, I can't help you.
Leave hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Here is what I think is hysterical. Our 17 week old (who is "outside") weighs over 35 pounds! He leaps over things he used to be afraid to get up on, and he has a best friend. He does still pee in the house sometimes, but that's getting better.

    I can't WAIT for your little man to meet my little man!!!
