Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh my aching...wrists?

Yep! It's my latest affliction and I almost can't believe it. All weekend I complained about having throbbing pain in my forearm and elbow. My wrists and shoulders weren't feeling so great either. I kept thinking that it must have something to do with the way I was sleeping. Poor Sam tried to rub them but the pain would just move up or down my arm out of his reach. I don't have a ton of meat on my lower arms to really give a decent massage and there was pretty much no relief.

Eventually, it got so bad that I looked it up. It turns out A LOT OF PREGNANT WOMEN GET CARPAL TUNNEL. What the heck?!? As a lady who's had knee surgery at 14, sciatica at 17, and a bum left shoulder through grad school, I almost can't believe how much pain a wrist can cause.

Apparently, the swelling I am experiencing pretty much everywhere else is also going on inside my wrist joint. They look normal to me but who knows.

So, maybe I will do more video voice overs and a little less typing. But who knows.

While I am on the topic of aches and pains, I got up from laying on the couch yesterday to discover that I was stuck. My sciatic nerve was in full-blown freakout and I just stood hunched over waiting for it to dissipate. Sam couldn't stop laughing and I laughed while a single tear of agony escaped. It took about a minute but it went away. This is something I am sure you all would have loved to have a photo of but we were stuck in the moment.

I scheduled a massage for Tuesday the 8th so we'll see what Lydia can do with these wrists of mine.


  1. Hahhaa Peter and I are working in Panera and laughing our butts off right now! So sorry that you are in pain, but it sounds like a hysterical moment over there in San Antonio. I hope that the massage helps! Baby Zayde sure must be growing in there!

  2. I got HORRIBLE carpal tunnel while I was pregnant! It was actually one of the worst pains I had throughout the whole experience (aside from the actual labor part.) My suggestion (it worked for me) is to go out and get some wrist gaurds. They make them for people with Carpal Tunnel to sleep in and they work wonders! My mom had a pair so I borrowed hers and it almost took away the pain completely and it was immediate relief. I slept with them on all night and some mornings I still woke up with some aches but they weren't as bad as when I slept without the guards. Do it ASAP because that pain doesn't go away until after you have the baby. Good luck!

  3. Thanks, Lindsey. I didn't realize you should sleep with the wrist guards. I am on it!

    No offense, my sweet, but that's 1 point for Lindsey and 0 points for the Yeargin-ites up in Chicago. :)

    Mwah to all three of you.
