Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Drop Kick Babys

Hello all!
It's been a while since I posted - but there is really not much new going on. I am bigger, sleepier, achy-er, but still mostly feeling well enough to do everything I want to do. Sleeping has been tricky but that's about it. :) (And then sometimes, NOT SLEEPING is difficult because of all of the restless sleep I have when I am sleeping!)

I keep telling everyone this, but I feel no closer to labor TODAY than I did 5 weeks ago when Sam was still in Brazil and I had contractions at least this regularly if not more often. We are walking everyday and I am dancing and taking herbs to bring on labor but no sign of Baby Z yet. So, I am going complete hippy. I have been scouring the internet and my hippy sources for visualizations of my baby dropping into my pelvis - a sure sign that things are moving in the right direction! So, I spend time each day thinking about little Zayd descending. Sometimes I think about big water droplets falling, sometimes I imagine his little (actually huge if you trust everyone's palpations of him) head engaged inside my bones, sometimes I literally tell him funny things like, "Drop it like its hot, little man" or "Next week, Auntie Ella and I are going to Shop till you Drop, so get ready". Sam has been playing a lot of Drop Kick Murphy's but this is actually just a coincidence because he got these new wireless iPod speaker and he happens to love that crazy band. But I welcome it.

So, think low for me! I would like a baby soon. (PS, we hit 38 weeks yesterday.)

P.S. When I say engaged or dropped, I mean Zero Station. The positive stations will be a part of the birth.