Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Risotto - A Life Lesson

Today we had a lot of firsts. Two of the most defining for me: 1. My first trip out of the house alone in more than three weeks. 2. My return to cooking - the first true meal I have prepared post-partum.

I needed to run to Central Market for something and thought I might pick up some prepared food for dinner or lunch tomorrow. Before leaving, I gave the fridge a once over and noticed that we had gorgeous fresh asparagus left from the weekend. Veganomicon helped me come up with an awesome meal that would eat up the last of our fresh produce: mint, basil, green onions, ginger, and asparagus. But I would have to act fast to get the shopping and the cooking done before little Zayd-Monster woke from his long afternoon nap. I am not sure why I abandoned the wonderful idea of picking up something, but the thought vanished when I discovered the uncooked asparagus.

While in Central Market I ran people over with my cart and then casually tossed "Sorry - I have a newborn at home and have to hurry!" over my shoulder as I sped by. I picked up the remaining essentials and more than a pound of tabouleh (no idea) and rushed home.

Then, I set about dinner and Sam was off to the gym. This was my first time completely home alone with the baby for multiple hours and somehow (in my crazy mind) I had decided to make a risotto. Not just any risoto, a risotto that required I prepare my own broth using a bouquet-garni of garlic, fresh lemon grass, and ginger simmering in a concoction of liquids. As I made the broth, my nerves were calm, but when it came time to start the 35 minutes of continual stirring necessary to not COMPLETELY RUIN risotto, I started to feel frazzled. What would I do if Zayd woke up? Why am I cooking something that leaves absolutely no room for error? Why do I have five pots out - even the asparagus tips and shoots had to be cooked separately to ensure even doneness throughout. What am I doing?

In the end, the risotto was DELICIOUS and I made it all work even though Zayd woke up about 10 minutes shy of my 35 minute stirring meditation. I even had the kitchen pretty much cleaned, the baby fed, and back to sleep by the time company and Sam arrived back home. But, I think I need to learn my lesson from this adventure as if the risotto hadn't turned out. I must find a way to allow myself the easy route, at least once in a while. There is no need for risotto. When Sam ate the risotto, I guarantee you he had no idea how much effort went into it. And he doesn't care. And Zayd doesn't care. And I am going to work on not caring quite so much about EVERYTHING and trying to let SOMETHING slide.

1 comment:

  1. MMMM that sounds delicious!! I agree w/ you 100%. Relax and enjoy the time you have w/ your family. Save the risotto for the girls weekends when you have extra hands to stir :)
