Saturday, April 23, 2011

Attention: Men

Mostly, women read my blog, but I am going to assume that this post might help some new mother out there, someday. This one is for the men. I might be going out on a limb here, but in my nearly 4 weeks of experience, men like babies to be awake, alert, and playing. This has been true regardless of the babies current state, and has been proved true with Zayd's dad, nana (Urdu for maternal grandpa), our 87 year old neighbor, and the manny.

First, here are some pictures of a sleeping baby. If a baby is assuming any of these positions - eyes closed, all snuggled up, arms limp - he is asleep. It probably took his poor mother a lot of shh'ing, rocking, and soothing to get the little tyke to drift off to sleep.

When you come across a baby that appears to be asleep (or, for that matter, close to sleep), do none of the following:
  • tickle his feet
  • count his toes
  • pinch his cheeks
  • bounce him
  • make loud weird noises ("WHAZZZUPPPP?", for example)
  • pull his ears
These things might wake him up, thus making you the mother's newest enemy. Don't do them. If you come across a sleeping baby
  • in your neighborhood
  • at the baby's home
  • in the grocery store
be especially careful to mind the list of DON'Ts printed above.

Wondering what to do with a sleeping baby? Try the following:
  • a very soft kiss if you are related to the baby
  • a soft pat on his back
  • resting a calm hand around his teeny head
  • telling the mother how cute he is
If you just aren't sure about the proper way to proceed with a sleeping baby, just ask its mother. She will know and be happy to provide you with guidance and advice.


  1. Aaahaha! Tahira! This post has me cracking up. I can definitely see Sam doing some of those things...especially the WAAZZUUP!

    I heard yall will be coming in for Crystal's graduation party! I can't wait to see you all!

  2. Pull his ears?! Men never cease to amaze me...

    Did you have a date night last night?

  3. I read an article somewhere about how men parent differently (and how important it is). They expose children to simulated danger and other such things and apparently make them more resilient. Sounds like the beginning steps here. Before you know it, they'll all be tossing him up in the air!

  4. Sam is an idiot. Ha, that post cracked me up!
