Saturday, April 16, 2011

Please God....Don't Let it be Colic

Zayd has been having some trouble lately. It seems his little belly is just full of gas. So full that he wakes from a deep sleep to yell about it. That sometimes, he refuses his meals. That he is spending an increasing number of hours upset. Which leaves mommy very very upset, to say the least. My biggest concern is that he knows that I am trying to help him, that I would do what it takes, if only I could. I think he sort of gets it; at least I'm by his side through the downs.

Step one was gripe water. He takes it six times a day. Step two was the addition of Mycilon drops. He has those whenever he eats and doesn't get gripe water. Next, I gave up dairy to see if it might be a milk protein allergy to cow's millk. We think we can rule out reflux as he has only spit up three times in nearly as many weeks. So, that leaves me terrified that I will have What to Expect's textbook definition of colic - somehing like 3-5 hours of screaming a night that lasts from age 3-12 weeks.

I know that I am, but I don't feel completely equipped to battle colic for the next 66 nights.

Tonight's solution (see above) includes baby wearing while bouncing on a yoga ball and blogging about mommy's frustration. This is actually working out much better than yesterday so I have hope!

I called Jenny last night in hysterics and she offered to come by the next time he is "colic-y" and help us sort it out. What an amazing woman! I don't know how mothers do it without midwives. Some people think I did it the hard way without drugs or doctors but with the support I get, this really feels like the cushy path to motherhood. So, here's to Jenny, who both me and my little lentil absolutely adore! I am sure that we will get this figured out before too long. Because even if I am not completely sure I know what the heck I am doing, I have faith that Jenny does. Around the Mammen household lately we have been seriously considering offering Jenny some sort of rider where we can call her with questions for the next 18 years.

Wish us luck for a peaceful and either
  • non-gassy
  • productively gassy
evening and night ahead!


  1. :( We had that a couple times with Xavier - it turned out to be chick peas....whenever I ate them on a salad or in hummus - he was wicked cranky :(

  2. Thank goodness for Jenny! You two made a great choice with her. I love you and am thinking about you guys all the time!
