Monday, May 4, 2020

A Busy Sunday

My mom wants us to write about our busy Sunday yesterday.

By Zayd: 
We went to the zoo but we had to drive in our car. We had to wait in a very long line. Once we got inside, we got popcorn and some water. I saw a bald eagle but I couldn't see as many animals as normal.  You couldn't see the elephants, rhinos, hippos but we did get to see the Lions and the tigers and caiman and alligators. We had we can scan a thing and they would tell us all about the animals. The best part was we got to see so many animals and come back to the zoo! And seeing them with my family! I really liked seeing the jaguars and the eagles and the alligators and caimans. We also saw kangaroos but they weren't jumping, they were sleeping like lazy people. 💤 We did not see the big animals, really. Well, the lions and tigers and alligator a bunch of them were big but not as big as like elephants and rhinos and hippos. It was still fun even though we didn't get to see all the animals,like cheetahs.

By Zahra: We got to stick your head out of the roof while we were looking at the animals and stick her head out of the windows. It was great we got to see bears, turkey vultures , two cans, wort hogs, lemurs, lion, tiger, alligator, Camain, koi fish, turtles, bald eagle and we actually did get to see a cheetah.
It was also our best friends' birthday . We had a surprise water balloon fight. And we ran out of water balloons and we started splashing people with the bucket of water and spraying people with the hose. And  we started to use water guns and spraying each other. it was really fun. Then they had a little party outside we got cupcakes and cookies. Zayd got a piece of his friend's birthday cake. It was my best friends and zaydie's best friend's birthday party. They are twins.

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