Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Big Chop

Zahra has always hated having her hair brushed. It's such a fight that Sam will no longer even attempt to brush her hair. We have even sent her to school with her hairbrush and let the teacher deal with it. (Mommy is usually already at work before the kids wake up.) Basically it's a nightmare of beautiful curls that she has grown to hate.

And so... She's been taking an awful lot about cutting them lately. It's been a month of asking repeatedly. I finally told her that if she still wanted to on the day of her party, she could go get a chop. I envisioned an adorable bob. Something adorable tucked behind her ears. In the days leading up to Saturday, she informed me she didn't want it to be long enough to get in her face or need to go behind her ears. She wanted it "like Zayd's". Once she said it, she became a broken record. Zayd can get away without brushing his hair! Zayd has never has a tangle! When Ziyan grabs Zayd's hair, it doesn't hurt! And she's right on all counts.

And then it was Saturday. I asked and she was still up for it! So we called my adult salon and sent her off with Nani. I sent her off with a photo of a short bob and her repeating mantra of " hair like Zayd's" and couldn't imagine what she'd look like when she returned.

My mom says the stylist was almost unwilling to cut Zahra's hair. My mom actually soothed her, "don't cry about it". To be clear, the stylist was choked up (not Zahra!). She tried to find someone else to do the appointment. Ha. I laugh to think about my strong, brave, determined little lady who probably made quite the impression in that salon. I hope she lives her whole life with such fearlessness.

I, on the other hand, can't believe how adorable she looks. And i can't believe how "OK" I am with the whole thing. I have come so far from the young woman who went off to Bryn Mawr. I can't imagine all of the ways she will continue to help me grow over our life together. She makes me want to get a big chop.

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