Monday, May 30, 2016

My Montessori Graduate

On the kids last week of school, they trotted off to Montessori last Monday expecting to be picked up early to meet their baby brother. They didn't get picked up early, due to the longest Mammen labor in our short history, but when they came bounding in it was as if the world's biggest children were returning home to me. I had birthed Ziyan about ten minutes before they walked in, and the difference between my first baby and my last baby was stark. "I'm so proud of you!" beamed Zayd.

The next day, Tuesday, they were off to school and their darling faces when they returned home were filled with just as much joy and anticipation. (I have never gotten as many hugs and kisses as Zayd and Zahra have doled out this week.) They seemed and, I suppose ARE, so very grown.

And Wednesday marked Zayd's last day as a Montessori Schoolhouse primary student. He came home with bags full of his work and earnestly proclaimed, "I wanted to leave all of my memories at Montessori!" That's when I cried. There were tears of joy to finally have this third baby and tears because my first baby has gotten so big. Having one kid graduate to kindergarten as another one enters the world is maybe too much for one sentimental mama.

After much debate, tours, and terrible charter school lottery purgatories, we have happily found ourselves enrolling in a new SAISD charter that seems it will meet our needs and provide the school environment I want for these Zs. More on that next fall.

Below are photos of Zayd's graduating class releasing balloons out into the world.

1 comment:

  1. Just the sweetest kids ever. I love all of this so much!!
