Sunday, September 14, 2014

Montessori Schoolhouse Family Picnic

Yesterday was our first Montessori Schoolhouse family picnic and it was fantastic. It's been a rough-ish transition into schooling (for Sam, Me, Zayd and Zahra in that order) and it was so great to spend two hours at their school with their teachers talking about our littles and how they're doing. It turns out great.

Zayd is super analytical and won't try work until he has seen someone else do it first. (Perfectionist, much?) Zahra is the only one who sits through the entire music class, mesmerized. The teacher has to round up other kids but not Zahra. Last week she woke from nap singing. Let's be clear she is only still and 100% committed during music. The Spanish teacher had nothing to say...

And to make it even more amazing, it was fall here for one short weekend. We wore sweaters!!

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