Friday, January 24, 2014


We are a house of discovery these days. Where should we start?

Zahra has discovered makeup. I suppose, if we backup six weeks, we could say she'd discovered vanity. She had never worn a hairbow or headband for more than a minute but all of a sudden she wanted to put them on to look at herself in the mirror. Only THEN would she pull it out. She preened in front of the mirror and admired herself. Honestly, I need a video. I think she's too young for this, right? So, fast-forward to January and she wants to apply BB Cream, blush, and mascara. Zayd was into my makeup at this age, but he was OK with pretending. It might just be me, but I think she is actually "beautifying" whereas Zayd was just painting. As a feminist and Mawrter, I'm pretty sure I've gone astray here. Not until the makeup obsession started did I notice that I call her "pretty girl" about a million times a day. As a lady who shuns the term "princess", obviously I should spend more time highlighting her "executive ability".

 Zayd has discovered nail biting. My little worrying lentil. It's like watching my brother twenty something years ago and I'm nervous about his new nervous habit. (Ha! Wonder where he gets it?!) He actually exclaimed, "look mom!" when he bit off his thumbnail this morning. I think he thought he'd invented nail biting. When I went to clip his nails tonight, there were only six to cut and four chewed to the quick. Then he called me into his bed tonight to get him a bandaid for his nail. I'm hoping this is a rookie mistake. Thoughts? Suggestions?

 And mommy! Mommy has discovered all of the schooling options in San Antonio. Want your three year old in a mixed-age Montessori program? I know the place. Need flexibility to pick any random combination of hours, I can pick your school. Want to go through a grueling application process that feels more like college than pre-k? Check. Want to send your kid to a co-op? We've applied there too. Ugh. I've Google mapped my way between so many schools, work, and home that I would need a combinatorics expert to break it down. I've memorized the cost of a 7:30am drop off for (no joke!) seven schools. Who knows what well pick, but we are definitely well-informed customers.

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