Thursday, September 8, 2011

Zayd's First Meal!

Zayd has been hungrily glaring at us when we eat. It is obvious that this little man wants some food! I had fully intended to wait until he was a full six months but it seems he has other plans. First, we had to acclimate him to his high chair. Check!

It turns out that having MSPI (Milk Soy Protein Intolerance) is even going to through a wrench in our solid food stage. I went to three stores and scoped out the rice cereal only to determine that they are made with soybean oil. What?!? I think that must be how they get the iron into the cereal.

Anyway, this meant that mommy had to boil, puree, and eventually mortal and pestle some rice into as creamy a paste as possible. We have had rice cereal for four nights now and every night it is a different experience. The first night, he couldn't get enough. The second, he screamed bloody murder. The third he INSISTED on holding the spoon. He was so indignant that I eventually put the rice cereal in a shot glass so we could both hold it. (That I should have gotten a photo of!) We give him sips of water after every few bites because the rice isn't totally obliterated and I think it helps to have water to wash the cereal down.

Here is his official first meal, and Nani got to do the honors. It was his first time eating and he had to work to maintain interest. :)

Here he is during yesterday's adventure:

And a preview of things to come!


  1. No wayyy! He's eating! What a big boy!


  2. Give him his own spoon to hold. Then he won't need to hold yours.
