Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sleep is for the Weak

You know, as I was thinking about what to write about, I realized that the only thing we do around here anymore is try and coax the little lentil to bed. Might as well focus on that. Then, it hit me. I did this to myself. Of couse, the woman (girl? lady?) who calls her blog Catching Some Z would never, actually, get to sleep.

We did seven straight days of baby whispering and things were going very well. The manny and I had it down pat. Then, we enlisted the secondary ranks and all heck broke lose. To top that off, we missed a nap on Thursday while at NTB getting a new car battery. Today it took be 44 minutes to get him to bed. Boo. There is a neighborhood outdoor movie night tonight at 8pm. We parents are considering bundling the little guy up in a wrap and going. The intention would be that he miraculously stay asleep. This is why our baby can't sleep. We are too stir crazy to stay put and let him... (Though in my defense, he sleeps best in the wrap. It just wouldn't get us any closer to independent sleeping.)

So, naps are back to crazy BUT he has been doing pretty well at night. I suppose that is how it goes. The other night he woke up five times between 7pm and 10:30pm. At this point, I was about to go back to a complete Elimination Diet and take everything out that I have added in the last six months. I knew it probably wouldn't do anything but you feel so anxious to try SOMETHING. Anyways, after I brought him into our room at 10:30, he slept straight through to 3:45. That is his longest stretch ever. So, obviously, it isn't his tummy. This presents us with mommy-attachment issues which is a much trickier problem then colitis...

So, I was typing this during what should be his 1.5 hr - 2 hr nap. Its been thirty minutes , after a 40 minute attempt at putting him down. And he is up. So I am out.

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