Friday, July 8, 2011

Zayd Look-alike Contest

People are always saying that Zayd looks like Sam.

And recently people have commented that my baby pictures look a lot like Zayd.

But, I think this 25 year old photo REALLY wins the look-alike contest.

Yep, that's my brother. He's older in the photo than Zayd is now but give him time. Sorry for the grainy-ness but taking a photo of a photo is difficult. How lucky would Zayd be to look just like JB!?!

Well, OK, maybe Zayd's face will never be *quite* as slender as Jon's was...

1 comment:

  1. I agree! He looks so much like a (bit more round) little version of his uncle with that face. But he has pictures where you can tell JUST who his daddy is, especially when he's smiling.
